People in every business field understand that there is underlying importance for communication; however, some industries and business fields neglect to place the correct degree of emphasis on the issue of effective communication. Some may fail to see that effective communication within their industries is not only important but also essential to success and productivity. Nowhere is this piece of information more relevant than within the ring of offshore industries working primarily in areas of oil and gas production and processing - effective communication is a critical component therein and is often overlooked by industry leaders. Those who own or manage offshore industry businesses may want to consider the information below concerning the importance of effective communication and how said communication can be achieved.

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Acoustics and why do they matterIn today’s fast-paced society, the average worker’s everyday environment is becoming louder and louder. As more advanced forms of technology are incorporated into the tools used by employees on the job, noise has become a serious concern to health officials. Hand sorting a conveyor belt of food products is a thing of the past; in the present day, loud machinery creates quite a racket in plants around the world as tasks are accomplished at a speed many times that of the human hand.

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The importance of hearing protection is of constant concern in environments of extreme noise exposure, which creates a challenge for those conducting and participating in plant tours. You’re proud of your plant, and you provide plant tours for many valuable business reasons. Communication is key during these tours because it is essential for the person taking the tour to be able to hear what you are saying to them; this ensures that listeners have the opportunity to make a well-informed decision about your company. However, many companies settle for either: a) reduced communication in the name of safety, or b) focus on communications with hearing safety being at risk. Sensear offers a revolutionary solution by implementing industry-leading technology so that both communication and safety are available in headset tour equipment.

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  Download Sensear's 7 Degrees of Hearing Loss Infographic