We ask that you read these terms of use carefully before using the Sensear Website.

Copyright Notice

This website and its contents are subject to copyright which is owned by Sensear Pty Ltd under the laws of Australia or in the case of some materials, by third parties. Sensear does not grant you any intellectual property rights in this website, its applications, interface, or its contents. You must not reproduce, transmit (including broadcast), adapt, or otherwise exercise the copyright in the whole or any part of this website for any other purpose except as expressly permitted by statute or with Sensear’s prior written consent.

Trademark Notice

This website site includes registered trademarks and trademarks which are the subject of pending applications or which are otherwise protected by law including but not limited to the word Sensear, SENS®, SENS® Technology, Advanced SENS® Technology, and the Sensear logo. Unless otherwise indicated, they are owned by Sensear Pty Ltd in Australia and may be the subject of rights in other countries. You may not use Sensear's trademarks or the name Sensear Pty Ltd without Sensear’s prior written consent.


To the extent permitted by law, Sensear does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information you derive from this website and we exclude liability for loss or damage arising from any errors or omissions in this website or your use of this website. Where Australian law implies any term, representation, or warranty into your use of the Sensear website, and therefore prohibits the exclusion of that term, then that term is to be included. If any liability is not able to be excluded by law, we limit our liability to the resupply of the relevant information or services.

Any information, ideas, concepts, or techniques provided by, or obtained from, you or your use of the Sensear website shall be deemed to be non-confidential and Sensear shall be free to use, reproduce, disclose and distribute the information to others without limitation.


The prices listed on the Sensear website and terms and conditions of any kind relating to products displayed on this site may not be current or complete and therefore under no circumstances constitute an offer or undertaking by Sensear. Pricing is subject to change as indicated on the Sensear terms and conditions document available on www.sensear.com website. Product availability is also subject to demand shifts and manufacturing constraints. Therefore we make no representation that the products listed on this site are currently available at all of our locations in Australia or overseas distribution hubs. To obtain full details of product information, pricing and availability, contact your local Sensear representative or directly to the Sensear head office in Western Australia at +613 6488 8120.

Applicable Law

This website is managed by Sensear from its sales headquarters at 150 South Washington Street, Suite C, Carpentersville, IL 60110, United States. By accessing this site, you accept that any disputes about this website or its contents are to be governed by the courts of Western Australia, the Federal Court of Australia in Western Australia, and courts of appeal from them.

This website may be accessed throughout Australia and overseas. Sensear makes no representation that the content of this website complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of any country outside Australia. If you access this site from outside Australia, you so do at your own responsibility and are responsible for ensuring compliance with all laws in the place where you are located.


Sensear Pty Ltd may elect to vary these Terms of Use at any particular time. We encourage you to visit this page at regular intervals to determine whether there have been any changes to the Terms of Use coverage as well as our trading Terms and Conditions document available at www.sensear.com.