Double Hearing Protection (DHP) headsets incorporate a cutting-edge advancement in hearing protection technology, often referred to as double hearing protection or dual protection, designed to shield workers from noise levels exceeding 110 dB(A). Sensear, a leading innovator of hearing protection and speech enhancement technology, was the first to bring this technology to market with their SM1P Intrinsically Safe Dual Protection Headset. What sets Sensear apart is their unique integration of earplugs directly into the earmuffs, a feature no other manufacturer offers. These integrated earplugs not only provide superior protection but also allow workers to hear speech clearly above extreme noise. This is made possible by Sensear’s proprietary SENS® Technology, which preserves 360° situational awareness by combining speech enhancement with noise suppression. As a result, workers benefit from optimized hearing protection and safe communication, enhancing their short-term and long-term hearing and overall safety.

For years, environmental health and safety professionals have struggled to find effective solutions that offer both communication and hearing protection in environments where noise levels exceed 110 dB(A). Industries such as oil and gas, mining, construction, airline ground crews, data centers, steel, glass, recycling, automotive, engine rooms, and more have turned to Sensear to meet the challenge of extreme noise exposure.

While double hearing protection is not mandated by OSHA, certain industry-specific guidelines highlight its importance. For example, the Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) requires dual protection for noise exposures above 105 dB(A), while NIOSH strongly recommends dual protection for environments over 100 dB(A).

What Is Double Hearing Protection?
Double hearing protection or dual protection involves using two forms of hearing protection simultaneously, typically foam earplugs (sometimes called “foamies”) combined with earmuffs. In noise environments exceeding 110 dB(A), traditional earplugs and earmuffs can block out much of the noise, but they also hinder a worker's ability to communicate effectively and respond to environmental hazards. This approach compromises situational awareness, making it difficult to hear alarms, alerts, or approaching vehicles, which can jeopardize safety.

Sensear's Extreme Noise Dual Protection Headsets
Sensear’s Extreme Noise Headsets are designed to address these challenges. Featuring dual protection with a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 36 dB, these headsets provide comprehensive communication solutions for hazardous and high-noise environments. Available in three styles—headband, behind-the-neck, or helmet-mounted—and compatible with respirators or other facial protection gear, Sensear’s headsets meet the diverse needs of different industries.
The SM1P Dual Protection headsets enable face-to-face communication, Short-Range FM communication (ideal for small work groups), two-way radio connectivity (cabled or wireless), Bluetooth® communication, or a combination of these options. Sensear’s industry-leading technology enhances communication, productivity, and safety for connected workers across various industries.
When is Double Hearing Protection Required?
Let’s review a few situations where the protection from a single hearing device would be insufficient. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, any worker whose 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure exceeds 100 dBA should wear double hearing protection.
Double hearing protection is required when a single hearing protection device is no longer enough to protect a worker's hearing from noise levels that are high enough to cause hearing loss. OSHA also requires double hearing protection in mining operations governed by the Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) for noise exposures exceeding 105 dBA for an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA).
Double hearing protection is typically achieved by wearing earmuffs over earplugs. Earplugs are better at blocking out lower frequency noise, while earmuffs are better at blocking out higher frequency noise – but with Sensear’s SENS® Technology headset protection, all you really need is a dual protection headset offered by Sensear.
At What dB Level is Double Hearing Protection Needed?
Double hearing protection is recommended or required when noise levels exceed 100 decibels dB(A) for an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA).
You should always wear the type of hearing protection that suits the decibel levels you are exposed to. For instance, if decibel levels are between 80-95 dB(A), you can wear earplugs or earmuffs. Decibel levels above 100 dB(A) is when double hearing protection is required.
Enhanced Worker Safety: Protecting Hearing in High-Noise Environments
When workers are exposed to noise levels above 110 dB(A) for extended periods, their risk of hearing loss escalates rapidly. The louder the noise, the shorter the exposure time required to cause permanent damage double hearing protection (or dual hearing protection) is the Sensear standard. It's essential to recognize the hazards posed by extreme noise and to take proactive steps to protect your workforce. Ensure your organization is equipped with the right tools to safeguard your employees’ health and safety.
OSHA's Guidelines for Effective Double Hearing Protection: Ensuring Safety in Noisy Workplaces
OSHA mandates that employers implement a hearing conservation program when noise levels reach 85 decibels or more over an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA). If administrative or engineering controls cannot lower noise levels, employers must supply personal protective equipment – and work closely with safety professionals to ensure all regulations are considered and met.
Employees should understand proper use, care, and maintenance of their hearing protection, and be encouraged to wear hearing protection consistently. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) advises that workers exposed to noise levels exceeding 100 decibels over an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) should use double hearing protection. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends double hearing protection for workers whose 8-hour TWA exposure is higher than 100 decibels. Dual Protection headsets from Sensear is your best option for double protection and preventative hearing loss.
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At What DB Level is Double Hearing Protection Needed?
Double hearing protection is recommended or required when noise levels exceed 100 decibels (dBA) for an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA):
You should always wear hearing protection that suits the decibel levels you are exposed to. For instance, if decibel levels are between 80 and 95 dB, you can wear earplugs or earmuffs. At decibel levels above 100 dB, double hearing protection is required.