The same can be said for the technology inside a communication headset that allows the wearer to hear the sound. Not all headsets are created equally. Different headsets can give you varying results when it comes to sound quality.

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Giving a tour or even training in a high noise environment can be a challenge. Sure, you could use a megaphone, making yourself louder than the background noise, but that only elevates the noise level, and there is no guarantee everyone in your group will hear you. The solution: a Plant Tour Communication System.

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"Exposure to silica can be deadly and limiting that exposure is essential. Every year, many exposed workers not only lose their ability to work but also breathe. This proposal is expected to prevent thousands of deaths from silicosis – an incurable and progressive disease – as well as lung cancer, other respiratory diseases, and kidney disease. Workers affected by silica are fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers lost to entirely preventable illnesses. We're looking forward to public comment on the proposal."

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In the previous blog, we explained what an explosive atmosphere was, and why an Intrinsic Safety Certification is required for your communications headset.

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As we spend time with our growing portfolio of global Oil and Gas customers, it always amazes me how much confusion exists within the working population around the requirements for Intrinsically Safe Certification. Some customers believe that a Two-Way Radio is Intrinsically Safe because it has an IS battery.

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A Datacenter is not the typical work environments that health and safety professionals think about when it comes to hearing conservation. Dangerous noise levels are usually associated with heavy industrial environments such as those found in the Mining, Oil and Gas and Heavy Manufacturing Industries.

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The Oil and Gas industry has been under attack for its safety record over the last few years. From the Deepwater Horizon disaster to recent oil spills in the Mississippi River safety is an ongoing and sensitive issue for the Oil and Gas industry.

Accurate and effective communication is critical to ensuring a safe working environment and this is even more critical in the Oil and Gas industry where hostile environments place additional challenges on workers.

That’s why safety leaders are focusing very closely on deploying the very best communication headsets in the Oil and Gas industry.

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Think about headsets, there are many options available for industrial customers to consider these days. From simple passive headsets that deliver a basic hearing protection solution to sophisticated electronic headsets that use Digital Signal Processing to separate speech from noise.

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  Download Sensear's 7 Degrees of Hearing Loss Infographic