Wired or Wireless Headsets? Which is Right for Your Business?

Date: January 28, 2014 | Category: Bluetooth® / Wireless Communication

The freedom of movement a wireless headset gives you can be appealing; the battery dying on a job site in the middle of the workday may be somewhat less appealing. On the other hand, getting your headset cable caught in machinery or while trying to remove your personal protection equipment can get old fast, and become a potential danger.

We have broken out some of the pros and cons for both wired and wireless headsets to give you an easy-to-check list.

Let’s Start with the Pros:


  • Freedom and mobility. The wearer is not tied to the transmitter by a cable
  • No cables to tangle or become tangled in
  • Higher chance of compatibility with existing devices – no cable pins to match


  • Sound traveling through a wired headset is clearer and less prone to interference
  • Plug and play – no setup required
  • Usually less expensive than wireless headsets

Now for the Bad News:


Most wireless headsets operate on the already crowded 2.4GHz radio waveband. Devices running on the same band that may cause interference are:

  • Microwave Ovens
  • Cordless Phones
  • Baby Monitors
  • Cameras
  • Mobile Phones
  • Laptops
  • Wireless Speakers
  • LCD Screens
  • Radio Controlled Devices
  • Other Wireless Devices In The Area
  • The wireless signal may not travel through walls or fences, especially plaster or concrete
  • Longer setup time due to device pairing
  • Bluetooth isn’t universal – not all devices may be compatible with your wireless headset
  • Faster battery consumption
  • Sound quality is sacrificed in order to speed up sound processing


  • The cable can interfere with PPE or become tangled in machinery
  • Mobility limited to the length of the cable

Ultimately the choice is yours. Both options have their pros and cons – the decision should be made based on what features are critical in your communication headset, and what inconveniences you can live with.

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Jason Goldthwaite

is a member of the Sensear team who shares insights on hearing and noise protection. With a background in hearing safety, he aims to inform and inspire readers.