As we navigate increasingly noisy environments, the imperative to safeguard our hearing becomes more pronounced. Numerous individuals, organizations, and industry professionals rely on hearing protection devices to prevent noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and to aid in effective communication. However, traditional forms of hearing protection can often inhibit situational awareness, introducing significant safety hazards and challenges in communication. Sensear's pioneering technology addresses this issue by offering robust hearing protection while enhancing awareness of environmental sounds in various settings.

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In the world of data centers, effective communication is crucial for seamless operations. However, traditional communication methods falter amidst the whirring fans, humming generators, and constant information flow. With thousands, sometimes millions, of servers and network equipment operating simultaneously, data centers are inherently loud environments. The relentless operation of machines can generate noise levels of up to 96 dB(A) within the server racks, surpassing occupational safety and comfort thresholds. OSHA requires a hearing conservation program when occupational noise levels exceed 85 dB(A) for more than 8 hours, which can lead to communication, safety, and operational issues.

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In the power and utilities industry, effective communication is critical for the smooth and efficient operation of the system, as the industry is responsible for generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity, natural gas, water, and other vital resources. Therefore, stable communication solutions are a necessity, as the energy sector employs over 2 million people. So, with an already large and diverse industry, it is necessary that the safety and communication standards continue to grow and evolve with it.

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POV: You're scrolling through your favorite social media platform and suddenly, the app crashes. Or you're at the airport trying to catch a flight home, and unexpectedly, every flight is canceled. Most people probably aren't thinking about data centers when they experience these inconveniences. Data centers have a significant impact on many different facets of the economy, and when they go down, the world comes to a halt. Not only does data center downtime cost a lot (about $9,000/minute on average), but data center downtime can be quite damaging, sometimes even endangering lives. 

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It’s been over a year and a half now since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and while we have made it through much turmoil, COVID-19 still looms over our lives. Every aspect of life has been touched by the virus, which has led us to have new standards for the way we interact with one another. Specifically, the COVID-19 virus has made communication in high-noise environments a laborious task, as people naturally need to be closer to one another to hear each other and social distance rules prevent this. So, what should you do if your high-noise work environment forces you and your colleagues to shout to communicate?

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When it comes to hearing protection for loud workplaces, business owners want to save money and purchase the cheapest option available to them. This cheaper option often comes in the form of disposable earplugs, regardless of the environmental concerns that are often associated with them. They purchase these disposable earplugs because they seem to be the most cost-effective hearing protection solution, but what if they are wrong? What if we were to say that in the long run, disposable earplugs cost hundreds of dollars more than investing in more permanent forms of hearing protection? Not only would the alternative save business owners in monetary costs, but also in productivity, employee safety, and overall business success. Let me explain how.

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Permanent Hearing Damage

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, around 125,000 workers each year end up with permanent hearing damage because of workplace noise.

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The promise of noise-canceling headphones can seem like a magic bullet when it comes to protecting the hearing of employees that work around loud noises. That is, however, until you start to think about the health and safety risks that come with looking after a workforce unable to hear you or each other.

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Industrial noise suppression headsets are different from standard noise reduction muffs as well as active noise-canceling headphones, the latter of which are often used on public transportation or within offices when you want to cancel out background noise and listen to music.

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  Download Sensear's 7 Degrees of Hearing Loss Infographic