

The Sound of Safety #001

Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss with Neuroscientist Dr. Keith Darrow

In this pilot episode, we'll delve into the long-term effects of hearing loss and the surprising  truth about how quickly it can occur. Despite incredible advancements in hearing protection technology, why haven't we seen a greater impact on the industrial workforce?

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The Sound of Safety #005

Life After Occupational Hearing Loss with Neuroscientist Dr. Keith Darrow

In this episode, we embark on a pivotal exploration into life post-hearing loss. Delving into statistics sourced from various regions, we confront the formidable challenges that lie ahead. We delve into how we might collaborate with safety professionals to amplify awareness and combat occupational hearing loss. 

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The Sound of Safety #004

How Various Types of Noise Impact Hearing Loss with Neuroscientist Dr. Keith Darrow

This episode deciphers the different types of noise that workers may be exposed to and how they vary in their impact on hearing loss. Dr. Darrow breaks down the four main classifications of noise in detail.

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The Sound of Safety #003

The Financial Impact of Hearing Loss on Employers with Neuroscientist Dr. Keith Darrow

This episode discussed how employees' hearing loss implications translate to the workplace and employers. What can employers expect to see with an aging workforce and with employees who may be impacted by occupational hearing loss? Let's find out.

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The Sound of Safety #002

The Physiological & Mental Effects of Hearing Loss with Neuroscientist Dr. Keith Darrow

In this episode, we focused on the mechanics of how hearing loss progresses, the neurological implications, and the long-term health implications that can have detrimental impacts on quality of life.

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The Sound of Safety #001

Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss with Neuroscientist Dr. Keith Darrow

In this pilot episode, we'll delve into the long-term effects of hearing loss and the surprising truth about how quickly it can occur. Despite incredible advancements in hearing protection technology, why haven't we seen a greater impact on the industrial workforce?

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